Why sanic multi worker have uneven number of requests?

when i run 20 worker,and from sanic log i find different worker has unevent requests,like that:

 260 [131]
    339 [130]
    384 [132]
    395 [129]
    497 [134]
    677 [138]
    958 [141]
   1499 [133]
   1867 [137]
   2882 [135]
   4521 [139]
   6464 [140]
   9375 [136]
  12543 [142]
  15313 [144]
  18137 [143]
  20820 [145]
  23486 [148]
  23860 [147]

we can see that some worker has 20000 requests,and some only has 300 requests,what the reason of that,and how to solve this problem,make every worker has uniformity requests?


Balancing between processes is controlled at the os level. The answer depends on the os you are using.

thanks for your answer.

but if i use python os.fork() to new multi process instead of sanic run multi worker, i can get balance handle,like that:

   4788 [17172]
   5196 [17174]
   5263 [17155]
   5430 [17150]
   5441 [17153]
   5546 [17171]
   5591 [17176]
   5598 [17147]
   5666 [17157]
   5776 [17169]
   5814 [17167]
   5932 [17161]
   6028 [17148]
   6036 [17168]
   6060 [17173]
   6121 [17156]
   6127 [17159]
   6166 [17160]
   6184 [17149]
   6208 [17165]
   6264 [17166]
   6298 [17164]
   6309 [17163]
   6735 [17151]
   7338 [17162]
   7539 [17158]
   7935 [17152]
   7951 [17170]
   8239 [17175]
   8301 [17154]

can sanic use os.fork() to manage multi process ?


The version about to be released uses multiprocessing spawn.