When running in production,Can Automatic Reloader be enabled all the time

When running in production,Can Automatic Reloader


be enabled all the time.
Sorry, my English is very poor. I am using a translator. I don’t know if my question can be answered.

I am sorry for being so late to answer this. I think what you are asking is whether it is okay to run auto_reload=True in production. While it is not necessarily harmful, I would advise against it.

  1. If something triggered an event on a file and caused a reload, would the be a problem? Maybe yes for you, maybe no. That depends upon your application.
  2. It does mean there is an extra process running that is sucking up CPU time. Maybe this is not a concern.

There is no benefit to running this in production, so I would advise against it.

On a somewhat similar note, in the upcoming release there will be more clear options for running Sanic in “development” mode or “production” mode.