Testing an app with background tasks using ReusableClient

I’m looking to test an app that performs some work in background tasks. And I’m using the ReusableClient because I need to test scenarios that are made up of a sequence of requests. But it’s not working:

import asyncio
import time
from sanic import Sanic, json
from sanic_testing.reusable import ReusableClient

app = Sanic("Demo")

async def init(app):
    app.ctx.val = False

async def setval(app):
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    app.ctx.val = True

async def getval(request):
    return json(app.ctx.val)

def test_app():
    client = ReusableClient(app)
    with client:
        _, resp = client.get("/val")
        assert resp.json is False

        _, resp = client.get("/val")
        assert resp.json is True, resp.json

Running the test_app() test through pytest fails, because val is never updated to True. I don’t think the background tasks are being launched here, and I can’t figure out why…

Would greatly appreciate any pointers or suggestions on how to test such apps.

Add this little snippet:

from sanic.application.constants import ServerStage


def test_app():
    client = ReusableClient(app)
    with client:
        for info in app.state.server_info:
            info.stage = ServerStage.SERVING

That should get it to work as expected.

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This does the trick! Thank you!