I’m trying to allow uploading a file bigger than the max file size limit defined in Sanic (I know it can be changed but I don’t want to, except to that particular endpoint).
So I’ve followed the suggestions in the doc but faced a few issues:
- How can I ensure I read the stream as they come and block when the size limit is reached
- How can I ensure that the sender won’t clog the script by starting to send, then waiting forever
- How can I process what I just received.
Here’s what I’ve implemented, and I have a few questions about it:
from sanic.request import parse_multipart_form, parse_content_header, DEFAULT_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE
@app.post('/<id:int>/upload', stream=True)
async def upload(request, id):
MAX_FILE_SIZE = 14 # In Mb
if (int(request.headers.getone('content-length', '0')) or 0) > MAX_FILE_SIZE * 1000 * 1000:
abort('You can upload up to {}Mb.'.format(MAX_FILE_SIZE), 400)
body = b''
for i in range(0, MAX_FILE_SIZE * 1000): # We consider the batches will be at least of 1kb (I don't have any ideas)
chunk = await request.stream.read()
if not chunk:
body += chunk
if len(body) > MAX_FILE_SIZE * 1000 * 1000:
abort('You can upload up to {}Mb.'.format(MAX_FILE_SIZE), 400)
if not body:
abort("Please send a file.", 400)
# I re-use the code done by Sanic here
content_type = request.headers.getone("content-type", DEFAULT_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE)
content_type, parameters = parse_content_header(content_type)
form, files = parse_multipart_form(body, parameters['boundary'].encode('utf-8'))
key = None
keys = list(files.keys())
assert len(keys) == 1
key = keys[0]
except Exception as e:
abort('Please upload one file at a time.', 400)
filename = files.get(key).name
content_type = files.get(key).type
file_content = files.get(key).body
# ... proceed with the data
My questions:
- Is it possible for a sender to start sending data then stop. This would put the server in a waiting position and if done a million time could lead to a DoS attack. Is there a mechanism in place to avoid that or do I have to implement it?
- Do you see any issues with this implementation? If so, which ones? What can be improved?