Reading request stream line by line

I am designing an api to handle huge streaming requests and it requires procesing a series of commands in the stream separated by new line. I dug into the innards of sanic to find out how it handles streaming requests. As far as my understanding goes sanic request streaming uses a asyncio queue and fills it up with incoming data and stops once the queue reaches max size. But I could not find a way to read the request stream line by line. Will appreciate if someone would point me to the right direction.

Not sure if this is still relevant, but I would think the easiest place to handle this is inside your request handler. Rather than modifying how the request is parsed and chunked, I would suggest tackling it from how you are digesting those chunks.'/stream', stream=True)
async def handler(request):
    chunk = ""
    while True:
        body = await
        if body is None:
        chunk += body
        if "\n" in chunk:
            parts = chunk.split("\n")
            if chunk.endswith("\n"):
            for part in parts[:-1]:
            chunk = parts[-1]

This is untested code

Another alternative is modifying body_append, but I think this is more prone to error.

Since the body parts come in bytes: (still untested code)'/stream', stream=True)
async def handler(request):
    chunk = b""
    while True:
        body = await
        if body is None:
        chunk += body
        *parts, chunk = chunk.split(b"\n")
        for part in parts:
    if chunk:
        # Final line didn't end with newline