Mastering Asynchronous Task Handling in Sanic for High Performance

Hello everyone :sunglasses:

I’m building a high-performance web application with Sanic and am keen to optimize asynchronous task management for maximum efficiency and scalability.

Project Background:

My application heavily relies on asynchronous operations to process user requests, execute background jobs, and interact with external services. Given Sanic’s reputation for speed, I’m eager to leverage its asynchronous capabilities fully.

Specific Challenges:

  • Task Orchestration: What are the proven strategies for managing and executing asynchronous tasks within a Sanic application? How can I prevent long-running tasks from impacting overall performance? :thinking:
  • Error Resilience: How can I gracefully handle exceptions in asynchronous code without compromising application stability? What are the best practices for logging and recovering from errors?:thinking:
  • Resource Optimization: What techniques can I employ to efficiently manage resources like database connections and API calls in an asynchronous context? How can I avoid bottlenecks and resource leaks?:thinking:
  • Scalability: As my application grows, how can I effectively distribute asynchronous workloads? What considerations are essential for scaling Sanic horizontally while maintaining task efficiency?:thinking:

I also came across this resource/article python - How do I run a background task with sanic blueprint instance blue prism tutorial background tasks with Sanic Blueprints, but unfortunately, it did not address my specific needs.

I’m currently using Sanic v21.12 and have integrated external libraries for task scheduling and background processing. I’m interested in best practices for integrating these tools with Sanic’s asynchronous model.

I’m seeking expert advice and real-world experiences to guide my development. Any insights, code examples, or recommended resources would be invaluable.

Thank you :pray: for sharing your knowledge!