Call for Contributors

While some industry analysts have observed an increase in activity on open source projects during the current pandemic, unfortunately that is not the case for all open source projects.

Since its initial public release in 2016, the Sanic Web Framework has had several waves of interest and short bursts of contribution activity, with just a handful of dedicated long-term contributors forming a core-contributors group.

In January 2020 the Sanic organization announced a new Organization Structure adopting a PEP-8016 model including electing a new Release-Managers team, a new Steering-Council, and writing our S.C.O.P.E.

Unfortunately since March 2020, both of our release managers, two of the steering council members, and three core contributors have left the project due to pressures from the pandemic and other commitments. While we’re disappointed to see them leave, we wish them and their families well and all the best in their future endeavors.

The Sanic Web Framework is more popular now than ever, with thousands of downloads from PyPI daily, Sanic is used in almost 3500 other open source projects on GitHub.

The steering council has made a decision to put out a call for contributors. Sanic is a project of, and a product of, the community ; everyone has a voice and the ability to help make decisions. The goal of the Sanic project is to be community built . The strength and direction of the project is decision by consensus as laid out in the S.C.O.P.E.

Doesn’t matter if you have a masters in computer science, are a senior software engineer, an intern, or are a high school student. The great thing about open source is anybody can contribute.

Where can I chat to the team about this?

We have a pretty active Community Forum as well as the Gitter chatroom. If you prefer to use Github, you can reply to this issue.

Why should I contribute? I don’t know how to contribute! What can I even offer?

Working on a bleeding edge web framework is excellent material for your resume and you learn a lot. Many of us got awesome jobs because of our open source commitments. See the Opensource Guide’s article on Why Contribute to Open Source?


A large portion of the contributors to the Sanic project are no longer able to help, we need your help.

For anyone that has expressed interest, sign up here (if not already) and send me a private message and we can talk about onboarding, etc.


Hi, I am interested in joining and also have registered my Github account in this site. But I cannot find a way to PM you directly so I reply to this post instead. Thanks!