Frontpage and Documentation overhaul

Hey there — just saw this — I came here coz I saw the new docs — super sweet.

I don’t actually have a ton of experience with vuepress, so I can’t claim to have any expertise. What I do have is the experience of seeing how poorly docsify performs in terms of SEO (because it can’t), and how quickly Google indexes my docs that are published on vuepress.

Looking at the site, I think that you have done a great job — so kudos!

… Separate topic:

Btw, have you considered adding a Discord server for sanic? I thought that I would suggest that because it makes for easier conversation and quick helps. I am on Discord 24/7 and very generally have found that libraries that have Discord tend to be easier to use because I can ask for advice quickly in topical channels. Sometimes, there is a small cost in writing messages on forums. They are great for longer question but often it’s better to build communities on Discord servers.

Please consider it!

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We have a gitter room. Seems it would just be another channel for conversation. :man_shrugging:

Yes, I see. Discord can grow a community a lot further than having a chat go on gitter. It’s a bit difficult to explain the benefits unless you are also on Discord.

There is also a very active Discord API library on Python that would enable anyone to write custom function at ease with lots of power for features and functionalities — e.g. integrating with things like Github, websites and apps. I am very active on Discord, but probably because also I am in the gaming space and Discord is a natural fit.

That said, I also spend time on quite a few library-specific Discord where they have been very useful to me (including one of sanic’s competing library). This is why I urge that you consider.

It’s so much more than just having a chat. You can create channels for:

  • best practices
  • showcase
  • help

In Discord communities where I have received substantial help from their maintainers, I am more inclined to donate to the project. It may sound strange but relationships are often built in more casual settings and less from emails and official forum posts.

Interesting :thinking: Anyone else have an opinion? @core-devs ?